Financia Trader is manufactured with the lowest environmental footprint and is ISO 14001 certified.

Financia Trader’s latest technology enables carpet to be manufactured with the lowest factory floor space. No need for high inventory holding of multiple colored yarn, uses the least water and consumes the least energy per sq.m of carpet tile manufactured as compared to traditional manufacturing technology.

Financia Trader is also crafted with sustainable raw materials such Dupont Sorona carpet fiber and PET felt backing recycled from drinking bottles.

Smartile permanent stain resistance is derived from Sorona’s molecular properties and NO chemical additives or topical coatings is needed. Stain resistance property is built right into the fiber so it will not wash or wear off. Just clean with water! Smartile is also exceedingly hard wearing. The end result is less carpet goes to landfill.

At carpet end of life, since both fiber and backing is made from the same aromatic polymers, carpet tile can be easily recycled back into raw materials with our 3R (Recover.Reuse.Recycle) program.